In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • Dave & Vickie Owen

    We’ll miss you Aunt Shirley. Sorry for your loss Uncle Jim. She was special.

  • Paul Wisner

    We are thinking of you Jim and want you to know that we are just across the street if you need to talk or if you need anything

  • Patty n Cecil Borjad

    We send our love and prayers to the Owen families. May your love surround you and help you through this time of mourning.

  • Richard Cox

    Your family is in our and Doris Cox’s prayers.

  • Dianna Bush

    I’m so sorry for your loss. My sincere prayers coming your way for your family

  • Bob and Judy Florez

    So sorry to hear about your mother in law. May she rest in peace.

  • Donna and Danny Hudlemeyer

    So very sorry for your loss. Prayers go out to Jim and your family.

  • Tom Hanks

    to the Family of such a great lady

  • Ronnie Mueller

    My sincere sympathy to Jim and the family. Many good memories at Mueller reunions.

  • Bob Davidson

    It is a privilege to have known Shirley. Let the Lord comfort the many family and friends who mourn her loss.

  • Dorothy carpenter with aubrie’s mother, Cindy Burton and sisters, Skylah and Sabrina of Tucson

    Our heartfelt sympathies and sorrows for your loss Of a precious grandmother and friend
    We love you Michael and Aubrie Owen and Owen family.

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