In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • Andrew M Warren

    I will miss your letters. I will miss your fishing stories. I will miss your Grandpa-role guidance. I will miss your stinky basement with the world’s largest collection of baseball and fishing hats. I will even miss how loud you talked on the phone.

    But I won’t miss the memories I have with you, and the enthusiasm I have for boating and fishing that you instilled in me. I will always have this, and will continue to pass along this passion to my children, and thiers (your Great, and Great-Great Grandchildren).

    I will miss you, Grandpa Vic, but you will be with me always.

    Love – your eldest Grandchild,


  • Debra Culpepper

    Vic was a wonderful man and I am so glad I was privileged enough to meet him.

  • Carolyn Martin Evans & Leo Evans,Paul Evans, Family, Heather Magee Family , Annette evans Family & Waylon evans Family

    Love You brother, Uncle & Dear Fishing Partner

  • Carol Smith Howell

    Cindy, you and your sisters are in my thoughts. Your dad was a good friend to the Smith family. He and your mom can once again fish together.

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