In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • Deneen Rogers

    So sorry to learn of your mother’s passing. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  • Kim Crum Hecker

    Sorry about Melissa. Prayer for her family.

  • Teresa Malhiwsky

    I am very saddened by your loss. Melissa was a good Christian woman. She worked very hard to serve others through Nursing. She was an excellent Nurse and will be missed.

  • Jerri Bowles

    My deepest condolences to David and the family. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Cheri Nelson

    I am so sorry for your loss…I worked with Melissa most of my 42 year career…she was a wonderful nurse..

  • Bobby Barlow

    So sorry for your loss. I met her once and thought the world of her.

  • Cindy Hensley Hubbard

    I am so sorry for your loss. Missy was way too young. I went all thru elementary and high school with her. She was always so quiet and observing. I can see her now leaving high school and walking home.

  • Bridget Grace

    Prayers of comfort sent to the family. Certainly, sorry to hear about your loss.

  • Barbara Farris

    I am so sorry to lose my fellow genealogist who helped research the Williams line. We laughed at some of our discoveries during our visits as we tried to untangle the family lineage. Blessings upon all of you. I will miss seeing Missy.

  • Esther Paden

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers

  • Jeannine Burnett

    I am so sorry for your loss! I worked with Melissa for many years in home-health. I have a lot of fun memories! She was an excellent nurse.

  • Travis Johnson

    Melissa was a classmate at NP. She was sweet, kind and smart. I admire the career path she took in serving others.

  • Brenda K Goodpaster Rhodes

    My condolences on the loss of your wife. Prayers being sent from my family to yours

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