In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • Dave Knapp

    Dear family:

    I am so sorry to see this wonderful first cousin leave us but I am sure her place is now next to angels who probably will give her a job bringing smiles down to earth for those who need cheering up! I will always remember our growing up together and making everyone suffer our childhood mishiefs . We sure gave them a run for their money!!!
    My deepest condolances to Rick, children, grandchildren, cousins and Uncle Vern.
    Mary Jo will be missed!

  • Steve Van Nieuwenhuyse

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers, may Peace find your hearts.
    Take care, I look forward to seeing you again soon.


  • Rodney Cockerham

    I call her momma. I met momma through Shelly at the hospital. Momma scared me until I talked to her a few times, then I realized she was a very nice woman. Even though I never got to know her very well, I will miss the part of getting to know her. All the sympathy I have pours out to the family. Goodbye momma.

  • Jim & Donna Cousins

    Rick and family~
    We have known Mary Jo for over 50 yrs and we will miss her so much. She was a fighter and a winner.
    May God be with you all at this time and give you peace and comfort.
    Love to you all

  • Jim & Donna Cousins

    Rick and family~
    I can not put into words the sorrow I feel as I know you do, too.
    I have known Mary Jo most of my life, and she was the strongest, bravest and most fun loving person I have ever known.
    God be with you all at this time.

  • Keith & Deb Kaiser

    The loss of your Mary Jo is one that the years will only aggrandize. You will remember the love you felt for each other all the rest of your days. And this too is a gift of our maker.

    Please know that Deb and I are thinking of you and your family at this time of sorrow.

  • Shelly Biggs

    Not sure how appropiate this was for me to sign….But I miss you so much!!!!
    You are my best friend. I have so many wonderful memories that we have created together. NO REGRETS!
    When I grow up I want to be just like you.
    Love you Mom

  • Teri Kessler

    Shelly can sign this every day if she wishes!!
    Mary Jo… read your FB!
    Love you!! ~TERI~

  • Ann and Larry

    Our deepest sympathy to all of the family. Mary Jo was a delightful individual.

  • Chris Coffman

    What a terrific person! What a great loss! I will miss her so very much! The past three years have been so incredible. I found a best friend, a mother image to me, and my step sister. She was the most positive person I know. Her personality was so loving and touching. She was happy go lucky and loved life and her children and Grands. No one could ever replace this special lady, she was loved by all! She was such an inspiration. I wished I could be the person she was. I will truly will miss her!

  • Peggy Harmon

    Because of illness, I cannot attend the visitation. I wanted to extend my heartfelt sympathy to her family and all her friends. We will all miss her greatly.

  • Dave & Mangie Knapp & family

    Dear Smith Family: Just as Mary Jo and I promised to ea other, I am writing this to her.
    Mary Jo, time has gone too fast and it has not given us a chance to live closer so we could see us more regularly, but we were closer in mind and spirit. I still remember you welcoming me into the family with your amazement as to my eating Kentucky Fried Chicken with a fork and knife. If I have regrets in my life, it will be not being able to be there right now for you and family. But I will check on them from time to time. You have given this world a reason to smile with your humor, with your sense of style and opened up your heart to all those who came in contact with you. I want you to know that if I had a sister, I would have wanted her to be like you. You have left your mark in this world my friend and your life will be honored by your kids, grandkids for ever. Farewell my dear friend and cousin, and until we meet again, God Speed!!! Love you always.
    Mangie Knapp

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