In Remembrance Of

Mary Francis Snider Middleton

Mary Francis Snider Middleton died peacefully at home on February 19, 2018 in Camden Point, Missouri after a prolonged illness at the age of 90.  She was surrounded by family and loved ones.
She is survived by her daughter Dr. Mary Jo Middleton-Swaggerty, son in law Donn Swaggerty and Granddaughter Mary-Kathryn Swaggerty and many nieces and nephews.  
She is preceded in death by her parents Rachel and Henry Snider of Shelbina, Mo. And her brothers and sisters- Clifford and Juanita Snider, Rudy and Helen Snider, Ira 
and Fran Snider, Dr. Jack and Virginia Snider, Bernice and Frank Jackson, Albert and Norene Snider, Aileen and Ray Miller, Betty and Dale Sparks.
She was the 8th of 10 children born to Rachel and Henry Snider of Shelbina, MO.  She did well in school and graduated  from Shelbina High School.  She moved to Kansas City after high school and attended Kansas City Business and Secretarial College and later took classes at Calvary Bible College.   She worked for 25 years in various  jobs, as a cashier at Menorah hospital, private nanny, bookkeeper at Mercantile Bank, and keypunch operator at Business Men’s Assurance, and Swift Meat Packing
Company.  At the age of 42, she started Penn Valley Community College full time and received her Associates  Degree.  She transferred to UMKC receiving a BA in Education and became an elementary school teacher.  She received her Master’s Degree on her 50th birthday in Special Education from KU.   Mary taught Learning Disabilities throughout the Kansas City School District over the next 34 years and retired at 79 years old after a fall prevented her from reaching her goal of teaching until she was 85.
Mary loved to teach.  She volunteered to tutor children and adults in her home.  She taught English as a second language to several adults.  She firmly believed if you could teach someone to read and write you could change their lives for the better.  

She was active in her church Sheffield Assembly of God and received the Timothy Award for her service in Royal Ambassadors, Children’s Bus Ministry and Single’s 
Ministry.  She hosted Youth for Christ meetings in her home and organized Backyard Bible Clubs for children in the neighborhood. 
Mary was an excellent cook.  She enjoyed cooking for church potlucks, her family and during a mission trip with her church group to Tiajuana, Mexico to build a church.  Mary Jo’s friend Gwyn says you couldn’t get out of her house unless you ate something and loved how she made soup for her when she visited.
Mary was a good neighbor checking on, baking and cooking for her neighbors.  She appreciated God’s beautiful creation.  She was frequently seen on Saturday mornings walking up and down Cliff Drive and neighborhood streets picking up trash.  She was a firm believer of stewardship of the earth, conservation and going green, before
there was such a thing.   She loved to garden and had numerous houseplants.  She had farming in her genes and a green thumb.  Mary could bring practically any plant back from the brink of death to life.
She would notice and comment on sunsets, and flowers, and marvel how God made everything with such detail.  She instilled this appreciation of nature, science and discovery in her daughter.  She once said if she had it to do over again she would have joined the Army or Navy after high school and become a nurse.  She would have been an excellent nurse.
Mary was a pioneer and an adventurer.  She displayed great courage throughout her life.   She always saw the possibilities, rather than the obstacles.  She saw  opportunities and had a “Go for it” personality.  She had such foresight and wisdom, and the courage to take calculated risks.  One of her favorite sayings was, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” and “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”.  Meaning you had to work for what you wanted, not just wish for it to happen, and work she did.  She was blessed with incredible strength, stamina, and excellent health for many years.  She didn’t waste it.  At 72 years of age, she took a three weeks
trip to Australia on her own as part of a teacher’s exchange.  She met many wonderful people and had a great time.  She even went snorkeling in a wet suit out on the Great Barrier Reef even though she couldn’t swim. Talk about being Shark Bait.
Most importantly she was a follower and servant of Jesus Christ.  She shared the love and grace of Jesus with all she met.  Her heart was drawn to those with disability and disadvantage.  She always rooted for the underdog.  She was a servant of the Lord at all times, everywhere and to everyone. 
After her retirement she moved in with her daughter.  They enjoyed several trips prior to a stroke and spinal cord injury.  She was especially happy to go to three family reunions even after her disabiling illnesses.  She had 24 hour caregivers for nearly 10 years.  Even in her illness she displayed extreme patience and graciousness with  family and caregivers.  She continued to teach us how to care for her, how to trust in the Lord even under extremely difficult circumstances.  She loved children,  especially her granddaughter, Mary-Kathyrn.  They had great times in grandmas power wheelchair and movie marathons watched beside grandma in her bed.  Each night Grandma, MK, caregivers, and their children would all say the Lord’s prayer together, leaving a spiritual legacy to the next generation.
A visitation is scheduled for Friday February 23, 2018 at Camden Point Baptist Church from 5-7 pm.  Service is at 7pm and a meal to follow.
Burial Service will be at Kendall Mt. Olive Methodist Church, Saturday February 24,  2018 Visitation 1-2:30pm.  Service at 2:30pm and burial to follow. 
Donations to: Fran Pierce Missionary Teacher on Navaho Reservation Christian Blind Mission
Arrangements by Hixson-Klein Funeral Home, Gower

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Comments & condolences


  • Randy Buckles

    MARY Jo and Donn we are sorry to here of your loss but rejoice to know your mother is now really living in high places. Mary Jo, I found it interesting that your mom’s maiden name is Snider. My mom’s maiden name is Snider. I don’t know if you know Carol Snider who lives between Dearborn and Camden point. She is my Aunt who was married to Harold Snider. We will have to check that out. Praying God’s peace and comfort on your family at this time.

  • Hermann T Green

    She’s with the Lord. Waiting for the rest of us. May He give you peace.

  • Nancy Carol Green Deterding

    Mary Jo and family I`m so sorry to hear of your greatloss your mother was a good neighbors, for many years and she will be missed in sympathy sincerely Nancy, Green,Deterding and family

  • Angelee True

    Dear Mary Jo and family,
    My condolences on the loss of your sweet mother. I remember her being a wonderful, godly woman with so much love in her heart for others. And so smart! I wish I could have come to the service. May it comfort your hearts to remember that she is dancing in heaven right now! Maybe our mom’s will get a chance to get caught up! Who knows what wonders there are?!! God bless you as you mourn the loss of your dear mother and grandmother. It’s difficult, I know.

  • Jennie Lea Bay (Manes)

    Mary Jo I so sorry to hear of your loss of your Mothe r. I know exactly on how you feel my Mother died in 1986. I know that it’s going to be hard for you, believe me I know I toke my Mother death very hard. I never thought that my Mother would be around forever. Parents aren’t suppose to go befire there children right? But God wouldn’t have his children go through ANYTHING THAT THEY CAN’T HANDLE, that you can’t handle, that I can’t handle. God is & will always be right there beside you, he’s holding you now, he was right there with when my Mother died & come in December it will be 3 years of my son’s passing God is still right here with me helping me like I know that God wants & is helping you now in your time of sadness anytime really in our walk with God. Mary Jo if I’m making you more upset by what I’m saying to you, I’m NOT TRYING TO DO THAT AT ALL it was not my plan at all. My plan was just simply trying to help you out that is all. I hope that if I have made you upset please, please forgive me. God bless you & your family.

  • Tarynda Clevenger

    Prayers for the family.

  • Elise Earl

    So sorry for your loss. She was a very interesting lady.

  • Georgia Alison Patterson Middleton

    MaryJo, I just want you to know that you and your family are in our hearts, our prayers and will continue to be. I hope you find comfort in knowing your Mother walks in the presence of her Lord and Savior. And she is waiting lovingly for you. She sounds like a true angel, wonderful,caring and compassionate woman. You have to be so proud. I know you will grieve her loss. But take comfort in the love that surrounds you. You were so kind to come to my Moms funeral. I was so happy that Wayne and Dad made it. God bless you and your family.

  • Pamela Cone

    Mary lived life well and was inspiring even when daily living became a challenge. Her daughter is a great testament to her character.

  • Dr Martha J Margreiter

    Please know that I am keeping your family close to my heart in thought and prayer

  • Kimberly Logan (Wilkins)

    To the family of Ms. Middleton. I will never forget her. She use to take a group of us kids to Youth for Christ meetings and Pom Pom event’s. She planted the foundation that led me to give my life to Christ. I will forever be grateful. Bless your family Mary Jo as you guys have shown unconditional love. May God comfort and keep each of you always

  • Anne Silvey

    Mary Jo I am so very sorry about your mother. In reading her obituary I can see she was a strong woman full of life. You can be proud of her accomplishments. I would say she lived a full life and made the most of it. Please accept my most sincere sympathies. It is never easy to lose your mother but you will have some great memories to sustain you!!

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