In Remembrance Of

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  • Neal Page

    Kevin and I shared alot in common in the audio spectrum, we worked together at Radioshack and before that met him when was employed at Circuit City, discussing DCM speakers until we were blue in the face. We became good friends over some years and always a great person to be around. He sold me his last remaining piece of audio equipment (was a Harmon Kardon solid state two channel reference amp), before he moved down to Florida, at the time he lost some extra weight I remember as I said goodbye and he traveled off. Kevin left me with nothing less than great memories, and I hope this message would please find his family well. When I learned of his death, I was heart broken, because at the time I was attempting to look him up for the purpose of reconnecting, and what I found was an obituary. May he rest in peace, and audiophile angels be his guardian. Love you brother, you are sorely missed. If a family member would like to contact me, I would gladly accept their call- 636-212-3198

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