In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • Thomas Carr

    I very sorry to hear about Keith passing! I always enjoyed our conversation. Very nice man!

  • Sister Patricia Seipel

    My prayers and sympathy to you, Michelle and all your family—especially Brandon. Letting go and saying goodbye is never easy. May you know the comfort of many happy memories. Is this the grandparent Brandon always loved to visit? ❤️. My love and prayers.

  • Phil Vandel

    I am very sorry to Sharon and the family for this shocking and heartbreaking loss. May Keith rest in peace. He will be missed tremendously.

  • Sister Helen Alder

    I am so very sorry for your loss and have your Dad, Husband, and all of you in my prayers.

  • Anne Jones

    David and I want express our deepest sympathy to you, Sharon and all of the family. God’s Blessings to you and all.

  • Mina McCall

    We are so sorry for your loss! You are in our thoughts and prayers! God’s Peace be with you!
    Leonard and Mina

  • Mike and Carolyn Curran

    Sorry for your loss and he will be missed

  • John and Donna Chavez

    Travis, so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.

  • Jack and Vicki Yarnell

    So sorry to hear about Keith,’s passing. Love to all the family.

  • Stacia Lawson

    My family and I are so deeply sorrow to hear of Keith’s passing . May you all find comfort and peace. The Dave lawson family

  • Sandy Lieffring

    Sharon and the family, I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I enjoyed talking with Keith and learning new things from him. Your family is in my thoughts.

  • curtis e mccall

    sorry for your loss mark is my cousin his boys thought alot ok keith

  • Eileen Hirtler

    So sorry Sharon my prayers for you and the kids and grandkids.

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