In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • Ronay Giefer

    Helen I’m so sorry I just found out my deepest condolences to you sweet friend prayers to you !

  • Lyla @ Jay Thompson

    SORRY for your loss- thoughts and prayers. Wishing each of you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead, and loving memories to forever hold in your heart.

  • Larry Van Fosson

    Smitty was my first Safety guy when I hired on at Iatan. Got me started off right. He was a great guy and will be missed.

  • Barbara Ann Plum

    Big Sis remembers Baby Bro with love and affection. She promises not to tell any of his childhood secrets. Thanks for the memories, BB.

  • Greg and Marsha Songer

    So very sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you all

  • Maria Cristina Camacho

    My favorite uncle with many strong memories over the years of your free spirit, your loving attention to your family and your warm & generous heart with me. You always made me laugh, and I appreciate your kind assistance over the years. You are a treasure & will not be forgotten. With the blessed blessings of Light & Love, Peace be the journey,
    Little Tree.xoxo

  • Monica and Steve Hufford

    We are deeply and sincerely sorry for the loss of your husband, father and grandfather. We are sure he will be truly missed by all.

  • Phil & Rita Ryan-Stephenson

    So sorry for you loss. You will feel a void but just know he will always be with you.

  • Leah McDonald

    My sympathies to all of you. My daddy sold him the yellow watermelons. They can enjoy that in heaven now.

  • Lisa Barber

    Our sympathy and love to all the Smith family at the loss of this truly good man. Always a smile for everyone.

  • Laura shadwick

    You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Christi Kane Green

    I am so sorry for the loss of Floyd. He was a wonderful dad and person. I feel very fortunate that I knew him and have always held him close to my heart. He will be missed. Love sent to everyone.

  • Larry simpson

    Sorry to see Smitty pass. He was a good friend. God bless

  • Mike Costello

    So sorry to hear of your passing, but know you are in heaven. Iatan co-worker Mike Costello.

  • Michael Camacho

    I’m sorry to hear about uncle Floyd. My thoughts are with family and friends who knew him best.

  • ron grzybowski

    You will be missed

  • David Page

    I worked with Smitty many years at Iatan and a ton of memories!

  • David Plum, Brother-in-Law

    Floyd hosted me at his home as I was stuck in ice storm at the KC airport for several days. We enjoyed several (more?) shots of Jack Daniels over Ice. That’s become a habit here at home in Mountain View.

  • Vicki Sellars

    Smity was a good friend and neighbor. Prayers for the family

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