In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • AJ Meyer

    My respects to Harold. I’m here to due to seeing Junkyard Digs, on YouTube, getting your green, 1977 Chrysler Newport running again. You took nice care of your car, and rest in peace.

  • Richard O Smith

    Harold supported the Platte County ARG activities by offering his trailer for many Field Day operations Tower support and equipment transfer.
    In 2010 NWS-CRH, Harold was a member of the team that updated the WA0QFJ repeater system.
    As a Saint Luke’s Hospital volunteer and KC HEART member, Harold participated in hospital related and ARES Simulated Emergency Test exercises.
    As a member of NL ARES, Harold enjoyed participating in ARES activities.
    Last Call for KB0ZVO RIP

  • Leland Finley WA0JSB

    Harold was a faithful member of the Plattr County Amateur Radio Group (PCARG) and was a faithful volunteer for many Amateur Radio activities.
    He will be sorely missed.
    My condolences and sympathies to his family.

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