Gary & Lydia Kaufman

We are so sorry to hear this. We didn't know Mr Ducher that well but what we did know always revealed that he was a very find gentleman. The world needs more like him.

Great Bend Kansa

Jo Norris

Chris...My condolences to you and your family. Losing your Father leaves a big space when you want to talk to him, ask him for your help and listen to his thoughts about life and family. Sincerely, Jo


Morgan Brown

Opa was a wonderful man. I’ll always remember his smile. My love and prayers continue for Oma and family. Welcome Home, Opa!

Kansas City

David German

I had the pleasure of working with Vernon in the TWA Instrument Shop in the ‘80’s and 90’s. He was a very knowledgeable and cooperative person whom everyone enjoyed working with. His coworkers greatly appreciated Vernon’s fairness and sense of humor. He was a good person to know and work with. My sincere condolences to Vernon’s family.

Kansas City, MO

Aaron & Donna Taylor Family

We are thinking of you and sending prayers for peace and comfort during this time. Love to You All!

Kansas City

Ralph & Lisa (Wickam) Landis

Thoughts and Prayers to the family.


Andrew Stewsrt

Sorry for your loss Chris and family. He sounds like a patient and wise man. Surely he will be remembered fondly.


Sally Eichler

Chris, so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and sending prayers for you and your family. Love you

Pleasant Valley

Ramona Martin

Please accept our deepest sympathies in loss of your loved one. May you be consoled by the many memories you hold in your hearts. Ramona and Greg Tim Combs

Amazonia, MO

Janie Jamison

So sorry for your loss


Dixie Hollar

Ursula and family, I am so sorry for your loss. sorry I could not attend Veron's services because of my health issues. Please accept my condolence.

Camden Point
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