Louise Taylor

So sorry for your loss.

Platte City

everett gilmore

very sorry to hear of tim"s passing. he was a very good man. i hope his family is doing ok with loss of Tim. now he is with GOD

edgerton mo

Staley Snook

So very sorry for your loss.

Kansas City

Marie Hesseltine

I am so sad to hear about the loss of my classmate Tim. Sending my condolences to his family. We will miss him and his smiling face. Marie Edwards Hesseltine


Dan Wright

Dear Belcher family, Please accept my sympathies on Tim's passing. My best memories from Camden Point include spending summers with Tim, Tom, Rusty Quinn and my brother, Rod. We played lots of baseball, various card games, including one we called "dysentery," and croquet, which we turned into a blood sport. What I learned during those years from our experiences and from your family has served me well. Thank you. Stay safe.


Mary Ann Ray Lafollette

Sorry for your loss


Margaret otto

I’m so sorry to hear this. I have wonderful memories of Tim and his family.. My thoughts and prayers go out to Tessa and her family

North Kansas City

Don lindsay

Prayers for Tim and his family. GOD BLESS.

Kan city ks
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