Vicky Deering

You are an Angel who made a difference in the lives of those you've touched. My prayers to her family.

Smithville Missouri

Gary Mcintosh

Terry you were a wonderful friend, the best. I met the brothers you were so proud of and now i know why you were.I met the son you had to adopt and his wife. I am so glad you two communicated with each other and got to meet.They are great people and I could see you in him. I know you both cherished this. I will miss your wit, your humor, your intelligence, your smile and your presence.To your blood family I would like to extend condolences.To your local family i would like to state that we have lost someone very special. Thank You for being my friend. Dog have a bone Dog carry a bone. Love Ya............


Lonnie E. Holder

My heart has a hole in it. You took that part of me with you when you left. I will see you again on the dark side of the moon.

Gainesville, Virginia

Vicky Deering

Thankful for many things and especially for having Terry as a very close friend! My prayers are with the her and the family and many friends.

Smithville Missouri

Charles Dennison

I miss you very much sister! The rest of my thoughts for you are in each of my prayers.

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