Linda Menaugh

May God comfort you all with His peace and love and sweet memories! I remember Teresa being beautiful and smiling and playing the piano by ear back at the farmhouse! She was a great homemaker and loved Bill so much! She was a loving mom and grandma, too! I also was impressed with her loving on the foster babies and making photo albums for the adoptee parents! My Sunday School class and church have been praying for her and are praying for you all now. Love and hug, Linda (Sanders) Menaugh

Conroe, TX

Matthew J Seufert Sr

Bill, We are so sorry for your loss. We are out of town and cannot attend services but please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Matt and Kathy Seufert

Saint Joseph, Mo

Bob Van Cleave

My deepest sympathy to the Carr family. Thoughts and prayers to all.

Neosho, Mo
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