Peggy Fortner Rapp

So sorry - Thoughts and prayers for the family.

Easton, Mo

Ruth Logan

To the Daniels/Walkup family: My sympathy to you on the loss of your brother (Uncle). Hopefully, you have some fun times tucked away in your memory bank that will give you comfort as you think of him.


Mary Kay

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Steve. These are crazy times & its so hard to not be there to hug you all! Love & prayers coming your way🙏🏻🙏🏻


John Horn

Sorry for your loss.


Bill & Stephanie Murphy

Sorry for your loss, Pat and family. It was a blessing for Steve to be loved by you and welcomed in your home. May you take comfort in knowing that he is reunited with family and friends that have gone on before. May today's military ceremony help you know he served a grateful nation. Peace.

Prole, IA
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