Lortha Morrow

I'm so saddened to hear of Shirley's passing she was a very sweet lady,she will be missed dearly she is reunited with her husband now in heaven may God bless you all and give you comfort through this time of sorrow!! Love always Lortha Morrow


Phillip Dearing

Sorry for your loss...Prayers for the family...

Hermitage, MO

Earldean Mayfield

May you rest in peace Shirley. Love you.

Visalia California

Paula Whitt

My heart hurts. So sorry for your loss. What a wonderful lady Shirley is. I will truly miss her. To Marjorie, Misty, John, Wesley Nikki and their families. I Love You all so very much.


Brice Chable

I really can't believe that my great grandmother id dead. I feel like I will just fall apart in the sadness of our loss. I love you GiGi!!1 -Your great grandson, Brice Chable {P.S.} I hope your happy with Grandpa.

St. Joseph
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