Rob Redman

Roy is one of my favorite clients I have ever had. He was also one of my first clients. Through the years i got to know Roy well and always enjoyed our talks. He will be missed and I am honored to have known him.


Tim and Kim Nash

Sorry for your loss!!

Platte CIty

Barbara Smith

We were in same graduating class, had known him since fifth grade. I know you’ll miss him every day. So sorry to hear of his passing.

Gower, Missouri

Donald Howe

I miss Roy he made the military experience fun and enjoyable I was fortunate to work with Roy senior at Crouch brothers for a few years he to was a hoot to be around . God bless your family.

St joseph

Dick Crowell

To Mike Hershley: Sorry about you and your family loss. I lost track of you about 50 years ago after your days at Star Blends. I retired ten years ago and still reside outside of Gower.


Lloyd Poff

I knew Roy as I worked at the Air National Guard full time for about 9 years. Roy was a great guy & always enjoyed visiting with him. He was a very fair & honest supervisor. I'm sure he is missed by all who knew him. I extend our sympathy to his family & friends. The world could use more men like Roy.

Stanberry Mo

Ralph Tymson

My thoughts and prayers go out to Mike and Jill and the rest of your families. May your memories of Roy sustain you.

Kansas City, Mo.
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