Cindy Rodriguez

So sorry about loosing such a great dad, father-in-law, and grandfather. I had the pleasure of knowing him a little. We worked together after Frances died. Years later, he and I watched marathon Storage Wars one night. He didn’t remember me, but that was ok. I remembered him and how kind he was to me! Love, Cindy


Thomas and Connie Mcclure

Our condolences. He will be missed.

Dallas Center Ia

Joel Thomas

So very sorry for your loss !

Dallas Center

Kathi Erickson Nash

Graduated high school at Dallas Center with Ron so very long ago. Sorry to hear this. Condolences.


Marc Harding

High school classmate, neighbor, friend, we did business together, and he introduced me to his special friend Jim Finch. So many memories of Ron——his mom locked in the hearse being one, driving him to get his new pickup very recently, and many others going back decades. He will be missed. My condolences to the family.

Des Moines

Carole Hoover

So sorry for your loss.

dallas center,IA
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