Nikol tucker

My favorite person! I will miss you horribly every single day. Until we meet again. I love you with my whole heart POPS❤️ Nikol

Kansas City

Mindy Timberlake

Oh my gosh, Ron Misner you are a precious part of my life. I’ve known you since I was 4 years old and now I’m 62. You will forever be in my memories, e


Kim Halter

MaryJo and Lori and family. I wanted to extend my condolences. You and your family will be in my prayers. May the Lord walk with you through this grieving process. Love, Kim


Debbie Strange

Deepest sympathy & love. From our family

Kansas City

Ava Callahan

I am very sorry to hear of Ron's passing. He was definitely a devoted family man. My prayers are with you as you learn to navigate life with out him here. God Bless!


Cheryl and Larry Bollinger

Just found out, so sorry for your loss. Ron was a gentleman and a gentle person. The world lost a caring soul.

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