Laura Wray

My condolences to your family. She was a fighter and such a light. I will always remember her and the kind word she had for me.


Sharon (Pew) Ray

Thinking of your family....

St. Joseph, MO

Debbie Southards

I know your mom is is heaven now, smiling down on all of you!


Cindy Robertss

So sorry for your loss. she was a wonderful lady to work with.She was funny ,friendly and always had a smile on her face. I always knew when she was coming to the pharmacy because I loved her perfume. R.I.P my dear lady. He needed another angel and he sure got one.

Trimble Mo

Sue Smith

Knew Rita years ago. Don't even remember how we met (possibly through our kids school) but we became friends right off. My condolence to her girls and family.

Plattsburg, Mo
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