Daryl Walkup

Ruth and family so sorry to hear of Richard's passing . If there is anything Pat or I can do please feel free to ask. May God bless and comfort you during this difficult time.


Jim & Liz Selle Selle

We are saddened at the loss of Richard and will keep all the family in prayer for peace and comfort. I think one of my best memory of my big brother was waiting for him to take a bite of that lemon pie with the uncooked crust!!

Cameron, Mo

ken wheeler

Had him as a auto parts customer for many years. He was a great guy.

Agency Mo

Steve and Joanne Golding

So sadden by the loss of my oldest brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you Ruth and family. He was always full or pranks.

Parker, Az

Chris spiers

Prayers to the family.


Carol Proffit-Auxier

So sorry for your loss

St Joseph
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