Hope & Skeeter Atchison

Rex will truly be missed. I miss his face at my table at Harmers everyday....his smile and his hat tipped back...Rex was my friend and I hope to see him again one day. He is in peace now and I will smile every time I think of him.


Alan and Carol Richardson

We are so sorry for your loss. Rex was a great neighbor and friend.


Lawrence Jackson

Rex was a good man and good friend. My son Jason and I always looked forward to visiting with him at coffee time in the morning. He was always talking about his family. They were all very dear to his heart. He had a deep devotion to all of them. May the hearts of his family be filled with wonderful memories of joyful times as they celebrate a life well lived.


Amy (Harris) Doepke

Julie and Gina - so sorry to hear about your dad. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Moberly, MO

Jean Ann Williams Martin

My sympathy and prayers to your family as you mourn the loss of Rex. As I think of my parents, Homer & Margie William's, in the of crowd of people welcoming him to heaven it makes me smile and hope it also eases your loss for a moment as well.

Perry KS
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