Hixson-Klein Letterhead

The Condolences for

Harold Wagoner

Leland Finley WA0JSB

Harold was a faithful member of the Plattr County Amateur Radio Group (PCARG) and was a faithful volunteer for many Amateur Radio activities. He will be sorely missed. My condolences and sympathies to his family.

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Richard O Smith

Harold supported the Platte County ARG activities by offering his trailer for many Field Day operations Tower support and equipment transfer. In 2010 NWS-CRH, Harold was a member of the team that updated the WA0QFJ repeater system. As a Saint Luke's Hospital volunteer and KC HEART member, Harold participated in hospital related and ARES Simulated Emergency Test exercises. As a member of NL ARES, Harold enjoyed participating in ARES activities. Last Call for KB0ZVO RIP

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