Ron Littrell

My Prayers and Condolences to the Family

Kansas City

Mary Arlene ( Green) Smith

I am very sorry for your loss.


Cindy Carter

Otho, Brenda and Otis, so sorry for your loss. May your memories bring you smiles and happiness in remembering your mom. God Bless! Cindy (Montgomery) and Guy Carter


Russell Stephenson

I am very sorry for your loss

Liberty mo

Ron Swaney

Sorry for your loss. Ron @ Linda Swaney


Bob Davidson

Ortho and Otis, I remember your parents as loving, hard working people, leading a family with humility and values. I am sorry for your loss while having a deep felt admiration for your mother and her life of faith in our Christian world. May you be comforted by her belief in everlasting love.

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
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