Kenny Ziegler

Mr. McDonald, David, Danny, Danielle & families, we are very sorry for your loss. Mrs. McDonald was a beautiful woman with a beautiful heart. She treated me like one of her own kids. I pray that you will find comfort in your faith and in God's promise of seeing her again. Kenny Ziegler & family

Austin, TX

Tom Holder

My condolences to the McDonald family at this sad time.

Starkville, MS

Sondra Brinton

I am so sorry for your loss. I enjoyed working with Mary Ruth at the Gower Clinic for several years. So many years have gone by, connections lost to other commitments with family. I have lost a lot of my own family so know your pain. Sondra

Gower, MO

Karlton and Donna Nash

So sorry for your loss. Mary Ruth was a wonderful person. She will be missed.

Dearborn MO
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