melody paxton

love u mary


Sharon Lee Everett

Thinking of the times with J.V. and Mary and the love they extended to all who entered their home.


Richard & Sheri White

We send our love, our prayers and condolences to Vickie & Family....Mary was such a sweet and loving lady with a beautiful sense of humor and affectionate smile.....she will be truly missed.

Bremerton, WA

Diana Walker

I enjoyed talking with Mrs. Stevens at several Helm gatherings and weddings - what a wonderful lady! I know she was deeply loved by her grandchildren and great grandchildren and will be missed by so many. My thoughts and prayers to the family - may you enjoy all of the memories she created with you.

Silver Spring, Maryland

LeRoy Poage

Sorry we could not be there to pay our respects to Mary. Mary was Akins and wonderful person. Mary will be missed. Thinking of Mary's family. LeRoy and Linda Poage

Baldwin City,Kansas
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