John Ashworth

Rest In Peace my Friend.


Steven L Karen Martin m

He will be miss very much.

Camden Point

Bill Brown

Marty was a really exceptional student and athlete. Great guy too.

Platte City

Bob Allen

So saddened to hear of the news of Marty's passing. Marty was a classmate of mine, playing many football and baseball games together in our younger days. Marty was also my roommate during our freshman year in college. Marty took me on my very first mushroom hunting adventure, an activity I still enjoy. We also bagged many quail on their farm. Prayers for his extended families and loved ones.


Bill Hillix

The community loses a very good man.

Platte County

Dean & Geri Bryan

Thinking of you during these difficult times. Marty will be greatly missed!

Green Valley, AZ
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