Ruth Logan

Debbie, I was sorry to learn of your mother's passing. You and your family have my sincere and deep sympathy.


Ginger & David Maudlin

So sorry for your loss. Martha was a very sweet person and it was a pleasure to know her. We attended church with her for several years. Praying for God's comfort at this sad time.


Larry Michael

To my cousins, my heavy heart goes out to each of you. The joy is that Aunt Martha is with is with Jesus. What a beautiful and gentle person she was while on earth. She was a blessing to me.

Overland Park, KS

Ron McCrerey

Sorry for your loss, I have alway held Martha Shumate in very high regard.


Sondra Brinton

Sympathy to the family. She was a sweet and kind lady.


Pat Lollar

So sorry for your loss. I was looking for you on the internet when I cane across this. I lost your address when I moved.

Greenwood Ar
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