Ron Kretzer

So sorry for your loss she was a very special lady

Gower Mo

Shelly Stagner Hamrick

So sorry for your loss, I can still here her sweet voice singing on the church bus when she drove us to Sunday School. God bless.

Indianapolis, In

Amy (Harris) Doepke

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Moberly, MO

Linda Lang

Sincere condolences to the Williams family on behalf of the loss of their mother. She is now in the arms of her loved ones and Christ Jesus. My prayers go out to the family.

Belton Texas

Jeanne Morrison

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You During these dark days, Hold on to the warm memories of your sweet mother and rest assured she is wrapped safely in Jesus arms this day!


Nancy Hawkins-Smith

My prayers for this wonderful family and my best friend Jean. I always enjoyed being around your mother.. I so admired the relationship Jean and her had. They Laughed and had such good times. Jean God saw how you cared for her even in the hard times. There is peace when we know our loved one is with Jesus. I know you All have great memories. My heart and prayers are with you.

Mission TX
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