Debbie Winfree

Prayers to all of you . She was one of a kind! Gave me my first computer when we started our small engine repair business . She and Warren would come and play marbles with us. Eventually warren made me a board of my own . Genuine jewel! She will be missed. Love to you Vickie and family.


Debbie Winfree

Prayers to all of you . She was one of a kind! Gave me my first computer when we started our small engine repair business . She and Warren would come and play marbles with us. Eventually warren made me a board of my own . Genuine jewel! She will be missed. Love to you Vickie and family.


Alejandra Jones

She was my granny, I called her several times and loved to talk to her about her childhood, she got to meet my daughter Genesis Jones. And I am so thankful for that I miss u granny so so much I’m so glad I got to hear all of your amazing stories

Pulaski Illinois

Gary Starnes

Sorry for your loss, I enjoyed talking to your mom at work she always made you feel welcome Ed to adk questions and never seemed bothered to help you. She will be missed. Gary Starnes


Debbie Osborn(Bell)

Sorry to hear about your mom, I'm sure she was a wonderful woman!

Spring Hill

Jim Bell

Sorry to hear about your mom's passing.

Paola, KS

Greg Fancsali

My condolences to the entire family Greg Fancsali

Woodstock Illinois
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