Susan Ruble

I have many fond memories of all of us raising or families in Hart Estates! Sending my sympathy to Melvin and your daughters and their families! Sincerely, Sue Ruble

Lee’s Summit

Helen Shackelford

Melvin, Lisa and Sherry, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much you will all miss her. She has been my best friend for 61 years. I feel your pain.

Blue Springs, Missouri

David Brown

Melvin, Lisa, and Sherry, I am very sorry to hear about Linda’s passing. I have many fond childhood memories of Linda and her laugh that gives me a smile on my face. My heart goes out to all of you in this difficut time. Kind regards, David Brown

Leawood, KS

Susan C. Ruble

Sending prayers to all of you at this sad time.

Lee's Summit, Mo.
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