Marie Hesseltine

I am so sorry for your family's loss. I grew up near Larry and Elaine. My parents were Jesse and Waymeth Heath. Marie Edwards Hesseltine


Ron & Paula Littrell

So Sorry For Your Loss and we have you in our prayers

Kansas City

Kris ,(Reisinger) ward

So sorry for your loss. Prayer to you


Brian K. McKee

I am very sorry to hear about Lawrence's passing. The family will be in our thoughts and prayers during this time. I always enjoyed visiting with Lawrence when he would come and check on his cattle at my place. I will never forget when he was over and I made him breakfast, I made the mistake of putting cheese on his biscuit. Lesson learned, "Lawrence was not a fan of cheese". He will be missed by all, please let me know if there is any thing that we can do for you. Brian, Cindy, Leo, Kathy, and Harold McKee


Phil Eiberger

So sorry! 🙏🏻


Roxanne Attebury

My deepest sympathy to your family. I have found memories of Larry . He was a no nonsense salt of the earth kind hearted man. I can still see him putting wood in that kitchen stove while Elaine was making her biscuits and gravy.No doubt there is a sweet reunion in heaven .

Saint Joseph

Lisa Snyder-Rogers

Vicki, I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you and family members.

Kansas City

Trudi Temple

Please know you are in our thoughts an prayers! Your a wonderful daughter - God bless you much love ❤️

El Dorado, Ks
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