Genia M Robinett

My prayers go out to all family members


Sarah Moppin

Sorry for your lose Terri and Family. Your parents and Brother were wonderful people. Glade I they were apart of my family. Need anything you know were iam at. Love Sarah.

Saint Joseph

Linda Landes

On behalf of my family, we want to express our deepest sympathies to your family.

St.Joseph, Mo

Gina Sifers

My family and I extend our deepest sympathy. Grandmother LaVerne was always so kind to my Dad and I and we know that they have both met in that great somewhere. We are all comforted in knowing that we will reunite with them again someday.

Liberty, Missouri


So sorry I can't be there, but I won't be home from Texas until Thursday night. Sending hugs and prayers to you, Pam and Terry. Love you guys.😥❤

Cosby, Mo

Jeanel Adkins

Sorry for your lost. Prayers coming your way for you and your family.

Agency, Mo.
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