Darby Grier

So very sorry for your loss.


Billy & Kathy Brinto

Sorry for your loss dear cousins! Sorry we can’t be there! Love you all! Billy & Karhy

Saint Joseph

Ron and Rita Musser

So sorry for everyone’s loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you.


Amy Doepke

So sorry for your loss. Prayers of comfort for you all.


Aaron Buie

I am truly sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you. Aaron and Family

Derby, Kansas

Cathy Manville Boyd

We spent many happy times together as we were neighbors prior to the Britton family move to Gower. I cried and cried when they moved. We played together, rode the bus together, participated in 4-H together, and our parents visited and worked together. So sorry for your loss. God bless.

Dearborn, Missouri

Jeff & Ruthie Gray

We are so very sorry for your loss❤️‍🩹sending our condolences & prayers for your family!🙏🏻I will always remember his kindness & wonderful smile!

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