LeAnna Fannon

Our beautiful Momma, she was the best mother in law to me. She Is at peace now with her beloved Boys Lee and Brian Fannon. We will carry on Momma don't you worry Logan and I will be ok. I know you and "your guys" are dancing. You were our Angel on Earth and now you are our Angel in Heaven. Kisses to our Pretty Lady.


Kathleen F. Beshears

I found one of my best friends in life when I met Judy. She was a very kind and loving person and was always helping anyone that she found in need. I will truly miss my dear friend and will be forever grateful that I had the chance to know and love her. Rest in peace my dearest friend Judy, I pray to be worthy of seeing you again one day.


Linda Sellers

Judith was my first cousin, but sadly I lost touch with her. I’ve been trying to find her for years, but I’m too late, unfortunately. My mother and her father were siblings. I remember Judith as a beautiful and loving person. Love and condolences to her family.

Jefferson act, TN
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