Amy Wilson

I grew a bond feeding this elderly lady. She was very sweet. I loved when she would smile. So very sad to see her go. She will be missed. Rest in peace sweet lady.


De. Victoria B. Harris

Dear Jackie, my dear friend, with love always, Vicky and Neil

Payson, Arizona

Jody Lyons

RIP Jackie


Gina Phillips Bolden

Jackie was one of my favorites! She will be missed!

Elwood, Kansas

Betty and Dave Thomas and extended family

An outstanding friend to our family. We loved sharing our lives with her. Maid of Honor in our wedding 61 years ago. Our youngest daughter was given the name of Jacquelyn. Her thoughtfulness was unequaled. So thankful to have happy memories of our times together.

Columbia, Missouri

Karen Baldwin Ridge

Jackie was a classmate of mine that I knew since Junior High. She had a warm smile and a great sense of humor- dry wit for sure. She had many accomplishments in her lifetime for which she could be grateful and left a better world for all.

Columbia, MO
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