Deanna Rounds

I’m just so sorry for this loss. Please let Gerry know she is in our thoughts and prayers. Our sincere condolences to the family. The Rounds family.

Sweet Home, Oregon

Gary & Susan Schimmel

So sorry, he was a great guy.

Weston, Mo

Kristy Blake

You will be miss by all your cousins and family Harold Dean. I enjoyed visiting with you at your home a few years back. You had such sweet loving attitude and wonderful stories to share. Until we meet at the family reunions on the other side...give all Uncles, Aunts and cousins a hug and loves and let them know we miss you all. May you Rest in Peace.😇💖

Vancouver WA

Chuck and Teresa Siler

We’re so sorry for your loss. Praying your memories will help you find peace in his passing. Chuck and Teresa


Patrick T Farnab

To “HEAVY DUTY”, Harold Dean peace and love to fill your families life with prayers and assistance when needed for all the work you did and ones you helped, like me. Patrick T Farnan


Edith Fischer

Gerry, so very sorry to hear of your loss. He was a wonderful guy. Sending love, hugs and prayers.

Las Vegas
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