Rebeccah Lamley

Brenda, Sarah, and Josh, I am so sorry for the loss of Greg. He seems to have had quite a battle for a while. So glad he had all of you. I’m thinking of you and sending prayers. Love you all.

Kearney MO

Clayton & Lisa Lollar

Good Memories are in your heart forever..


Jeffrey Hartzell

So deeply sorry for your loss. Greg will be missed by all who knew him.

Plattsburg, Mo.

Amy (Harris) Doepke

Cousin Greg....we knew each other when we were little kids - with Calvena and Max.....but grew apart. I am so sorry for your loss.


Lloyd Smith

So sorry for your

Huntington beach

Don Hensley

Brenda, I am so sorry for the loss of Greg, and extend my sincere sympathy to you and the Hixson family. I drove a truck for Greg for a while. He was a kind and considerate man, and I always enjoyed our visits. Don Hensley

Kansas City, MO
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