Gail Davis

Prayers and condolences from the Davis family.

Plattsburg, Mo

Larry & Molly Livingston

Sorry for your loss.

Gower mo

Diana Webster Brown

Sorry for your lose. May God bless you all & may Karl Rest in Peace.

Rochester, MO.

Letitia Rudd-Morgan-LaMontagne

So sorry for your loss to all the family. May God touch you all once again and give you peace. I know my boys & I have many many great memories over the years of Francis. His memory will live on. R.I.P. Francis 🙏 💜

Arkansas City KS

Bo & Linda Hoskins

We are sure sorry on the passing of Francy. We would like to express our sincere condolences to you & your family. Francy was a good man.


Jeannie Stanton

Vernon and I are so sorry for your loss. I remember when he worked with my Dad, Ernest McClain, at Schuster Farms and my Dad thought the world of him. I also remember him at the youth wrestling tournaments when the boys wrestled with my son, Kurt. Condolences to your family.


Myra Moore

So sorry to the family at this time for your loss. Growing up around the family was always a great time. Everyone will miss him . Rest high on that mountain of heaven above Francie. Always friends Myra Moore.


Kathy dale miller

So sorry he was great person


Romeo chavez

My condolences to the whole family for the loss of Francis G Carl specially to Francis III, may god be with you all and give you the serenity for the sorrow. Rest In Peace Francis G Carl jr

Oklahoma City

Tim Gassman

My condolences to everyone in the Karl family.

Kansas City

Carlos Quezada

My condolences to the Karl family. I will always remember him and all the fun times my brother and I spent with him.

Cameron, MO

Verla Corkins & Roger Wiedmaier

Thinking of and saying prayers for the Karl family.

St Joseph
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