Pat Grenier

I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. We all loved Bud and will miss him dearly. I will treasure our morning breakfasts and laughter we shared while I was there. There was definitely never a dull moment with his ornery self there,but that’s what made him Bud and we wouldn’t have wanted him any other way. I love you all very much and so wish I could be there in person, but my heart is right there with you all.


Craig Mierkowski

So sorry for your loss - as per your request a donation to the AHA will be made in honor of Bud


Mark Mierkowski

We are very sorry for the loss of your father. Truly he was one of a kind. A real hero, great family man that I looked up to and I know many others did as well. His spirit lives on and may God Bless you all.

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