Angela Fultz

Eleanor was a beautiful, sweet lady. I looked forward to walking into work and seeing her beautiful smile. She came to almost every activity we had and especially loved Bingo. She will be so very missed. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.


Maggie Lee Kelsey

Eleanor loutermilch is my great grandmother

Agency mo

Robert Wilson

My brother Nick and I would like to share our condolences with Eleanor's family there. We are the sons of Gary Wilson and grandsons of Harvey (Eleanor's brother) & Fern Wilson . I remember Aunt Eleanor as being so positive and energetic. Our father has told us how Aunt Eleanor and Uncle Leo used to spoil him a bit when he was young. Our prayers are with all of you. God bless.

Mason, OH

Maggie Lee Kelsey

Maggie like playing bongo with you

Agency mo
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