Trenna hayes

So sorry for your loss

Kansas city

Linda (Prier) Haught

My sympathy to your family. I mostly remember the good times as a child going to Aunt Fontella and Uncle Herman’s house and seeing Elaine there. She was a sweet cousin to me.

Stark City, Missouri

Mary Ruth Barker

Love and prayers


Sharon Wiseley Herrmann

Have great memories of Elaine and Jack when I was a young girl and they married and moved to KC . Prayers for all of the family. 🙏🏻🌹. Sharon

Scranton, Kansas

Rachael Lindsay McCool

Diana, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Kansas City

Janice Lind

Greg and family. I am so sorry to hear of your mother passing away. My sympathy to you all. Will be praying for you.

Fort Collins

Sheetal Takalkar

My deepest condolences to the family. May she rest in peace.


Sidonia Nolan

I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers to all of your family. You are all amazing children of hers and I am sure there are lots of great memories ❤

Kansas City

Kim Mike Emily McClellan

We are so sorry to here our prayers are with you all

Kansas city mo.
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