CHRIS Hopkins

So Sorry!! I do rember Him a very Kind Person


Shirley Green

Our thoughts and prayers for peace and comfort are with you. From Shirley and Mary Jane

St. Paul, Kansas

John Riley

Sorry for your loss. 94 is a good ripe age to have lived. I know the family has a lot of good memories to hold on to. Sorry I am not able to attend the service as I am in S Tx for the winter. My thoughts and prayers for the family as you go forward. A big shout out for Deb and Andy for the special care they gave him.

Ravenwood Mo

Brian Geese

Earl was my captain at Uni-Guard back in the mid 1990’s. He was kind, caring ,compassionate and a joy to work with. I am saddened to hear of his passing but I am grateful to have crossed paths with him during this life.

Yuma, AZ

Kevin Sykes

Sorry for your loss. Old Captain steffes was a was a great guy. I worked under him at UniGuard security back in the mid to late '90s. I can remember being at a certain post and playing a game of chess with him.

Kansas City
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