Ellen Carnie

Gerald, Lisa and family I’m so very sorry for your loss! My prayers and condolences go out to you and your family! I have fond memories of your mom, she was quite a lady!!! If I can do anything to help you please don’t hesitate to call!!! God bless you and help you through this!


Janette Halferty Lile

So sorry for your loss. She was a sweetheart!

Gower Mo

Connie Jo Hall Thompson

My deepest sympathies to your family, Mrs.Routh was a wonderful lady,with a beautiful smile for eveyone.

Rayville, Mo

Twila (Heinrichs) Ellington

So sorry for your loss, Aunt Dulcie was a wonderful person. Thank goodness we have our memoirs. I have many of Uncle Charlie and Aunt Dulcie. So many of my first family is gone. But just know I Love you all. You are all in my prayers.

Easton, MO

Mary Lou snyder

So sorry I can’t come because of ice. I thot a lot of your Mother and she was so faithful to Gower GoodtimersMy sympathy to each of you

Gower mo

Melba Mier

Sympathy to the entire family! I visited Dulcie at Riverside Care Center.

St Joseph
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