Susan Kennedy

Donna you will always be in my heart. You did for all of us. May God be with all of your family at this time.

Lumberton NC

Mona Lewis

Aunt Donna you were a very special and loving aunt for my sister, my brothers, and myself when we were young and I am grateful for all the memories we have. May you rest in peace in the loving arms of Jesus, until we meet again.

Kansas City

Steven , Karen, Joshua Carr

This is beyond shock...we had no ideal, wished we were told.. Aunt Donna had passed away,,assure u we would of been there for her... Aunt Donna u will truly b missed terribly, say hi to Uncle Jim & Jimmy for us...luv u always

St. Joseph , MO

Michelle Annette Kernes

R.I.P. Aunt Donna you will be missed I love you❤️❤️❤️

Broken Arrow Oklahoma
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