Bill and Carolyn Forsyth

Sorry for your loss


Doug Kolich

so sorry for this loss ....

East Brady

Donna Hudlemeyer

Judy I am so sorry for your loss. He will be missed by everyone. We all have such great memories from the school days and many years later. I won't be able too make it to the service but will be thinking of you and your family. Prayers to you and all family and friends ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™โฃ๏ธ


Sherry Ferguson Wiese

So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you all.


Jeanne Schroeder Epperson no

So sorry to hear of Donโ€™s passing. He was a neighbor and friend in the 50โ€™s and 60โ€™s. He will be missed. God bless all.


Shirley Pope Maxwell

So sorry to hear about your loss, our prayers are with you. Will always remember his nickname for me, SAP (Shirley Ann Pope)

Jamesport , Mo
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