Jeanne Strange

To the family of Don Boydston. I just want to provide comfort for you during your time of sorrow. Please read the following scriptures in you own copy of the bible and they will give you hope that you will see them again: Acts 24:15, 2 Corinthians 1:2,4, Hebrew 2: 15, John 5:28,29, Acts 17:24,25 John 11:39-44, I Corinthians 15: 26, Job 14, 14, 15 You will find these scriptures give an assured hope that God cares about you and your suffering and has made plans to end death and suffering. Please read the scriptures carefully to get their meaning. If you enjoy what you have read, you can find more interesting information on Sincerely, Jeanne Strange

Kansas City

Jimmy Buchanan

My deepest regards to Don's family. He was a well needed friend and mentor to me in the years following my father's passing. Thanks for being there, I learned a lot from his wisdom and kindness. Sorry for your loss.

Sherman, Texas
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