George and Debbie Curry

David was my mentor and friend. His impact on my life can't be measured. I am grateful for his influence on my life. Our thoughts and prayers to Jan and the family.

Kansas City

Doug French

Dr. Legaard was a good man. I was a student at Smithville and also worked for the district in the summer. He was respected by all and respectful of everyone. Prayers went up for the family and will continue.

formerly Smithville

Hila Foster

Jan, I am so sorry to hear about David, I have had him on my prayer list for a long time. Take care, with love, Hila

Kansas City, MO

john ball

My deepest sorrow goes to the family in your time of sorrow. Over the years I had the honor to visit with him on occasion, will always remember that big smile and kind mild manor person. Dave was my first principal at South-Holt (1975-76). He was a good man and a friend..........

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