Monica Kolasa

Remember all the good things and times

Kansas City

Jeff and Jerri Wommack

We are incredibly sorry for your loss. We love all of you. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you. Jeff, Jerri, Mary Brantley, Madison

Fletcher NC

Denise Breckenridgr

I'm so sorry to hear about David. He was always so nice when I saw him. Hugs to Kristi and rest of the family. I know he will be missed


Rita Thomas

I am sorry for you loss Christy

Osage Beach Mo

Rita Thomas

God bless you and your family during this time


Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Keith

Our hearts ache for your loss. Even though we didnt know Dave extremely well, we did know his smile and his love and loyalty to his family. Our sincere thoughts are with you.


Kari Ward

Words cannot explain the sorrow of this loss. I am thinking of you and your family. I am praying for you and yours. We love you.

Beloit Wisconsin

Melissa King

Jeremy King is my son. I always love Dave. He help us so much. He's like family to us. I'm so sorry for ur loss Krista Drew Cass and Taylor I love you as family. I love you to the moon and back

Kansas City

Margaret Bruce

So sorry to hear of your loss. Saying prayers and thinking of you and your family at this time.

Leavenworth, Ks

Lia Cummings

I love you all like extended family. I am crying tears with you. I am here to support you please reach out.

Holiday Florida
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