David & Barb Maag

We are so sorry to hear of the passing of your sweet mother. Mom and Dad had so many fond memories of times spent with your parents . Let's pray the are having good times once more! With our deepest sympathies, Love, Dave and Barb

Sunset, Texas

Sharon Shutts & Dave Vorderbruggen

We are so sorry for your loss & hope your memories will help sustain you at this difficult time.

St. Joseph, MO

Rolland and Cindy Smith

My heart goes out to you and your families. Hoping Godwill ease your pain. I always remember when visiting that Darlene always had a wagon of flowers/plants. She did love working with plants. I am sorry I did not make the funeral today. My sister just told me that Darlene had passed late this afternoon. 😢Rolland & Cindy Smith

Platte City

Larry Bauman

Our prayers are with you.

St. Joseph
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