Alison Eoods

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. Praying for each of you that as time passes by the great memories carry you and your days be bright again! ❤🙏🙏🙏

Excelsior Springs. Mo

Danielle Fenson

Wow it's coming up on two whole years you have been gone and No one told me you where gone No one gave me that chance to say good bye . although I did not grow up with you we shared something no one else could take from us and that is the blood that ran through our dad's veins . I know that you had been sick and dealing with health issues as far back as I can remember so it brings some comfort in knowing you are no longer suffering. You where and are my sister I'm your baby sister I wish that time could go back and life could have been different but it doesn't work that way . I miss and love you Dana may you rest in peace and fly high in the sky with dad . Live always your baby sister

Kansas city
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